
105: :)/:(

Today was ... not so great. Starting to hate school .. my class rocks but I just don't fit in. I'm like the only emotive, always prone to depression (as said by Mrs Chew, haw haw) person in Class 3E2 of '09. And to all the happy, mindless people in my class, you guys have it better. As always.

I didn't actually think I could make it through the day without my spare blades .. Thankfully Mdm Chia let me sleep during MT and Miss Angela Chew didn't come. (OMG HOMEWORK). Dammit. Blood. I need blood.

Watched the sneak preview of The Confessions of a Shopaholic with Alexorcist at 9. The movie ended at around 2330 wth. Took a cab home after that. I hate popcorn. I hate Coke. Stupid things made my tummy bloat again. WTH.

S.W.'s ill ... credz to me. :(