On the 18th of December, I attended 6d06's gathering at RenChun's gigantic house. Left my cell at the Gym so didn't manage to take any photographs.

On the 19th of December, I went to Takashimaya (to visit the newly-opened Sephora!) and Wisma with MeiJia. Bought a pair of 5-inched stripper heels (oh, luf)
On the 20th of December, I had curls! Thankz to MeiJia's "natural talent" with the hair curler. In return, I straightened her mane and we took loads of photos after that. Later that day, we went to Takashimaya again (to visit Sephora again). We went to Wheelock Place too and went home soon after that (cuz our feet was hurtin so damn much - I was wearing my stripper heels, and she was wearing her 3-inch-or-so heels that cramped her toes).

(This isn't all, of course)
On the 22nd of December, I went to Marina Square with MeiJia (yet again) to catch the movie, Yesman. The movie was slightly better than any typical comedy flick, but yet again, it is just a comedy. Loved the music from that show, even though the lyrics were nonsensical. Had dinner with her after that.On the 26th of December, my family celebrated my Mother's birthday! My dad and I cooked dinner, and even though it turned out quite disastrous (so much for Best in Home Economics huh), my Mom loved it.
And now for Audrey's quizzo.
Use the first letter of your name to answer each of the following questions. They have to be real places, names, and/or objects and nothing made up. Try to use different answers if the person the quiz from has the same initial as you. You can use your own name for the boy/girl question.
My name: Katharine
Boy's name: Kevin
Girl's name: Katy
Occupation: Kabbalist
Something you wear: Khaki shorts.
Beverage: Kamikaze
Food: Kebab
Place: Knoxville
Something found in the bathroom: Katharine. :)
Reason for being late: "King Kong kidnapped me"
Something you shout: "Kazakhstan is the greatest country in the world ~~"
Font: Kristen ITC
Show: Knocked Up
Song title: Keep Your Hands off My Girl by GC
Country: Kazakhstan!!!
Pass this on to 5 people you know:
- Denise
- Weijie
- Maggie
- Trissy
- Nicola