Out of curiousity, which one of you actually feel sad when your parents divorce? I know I don't, but it seems pretty darn saddening. I can't care less whether my parents get along, or not. If they're not happy being with each other, I'd rather have them living with their next soulmate cuz it makes them happy. I like happy people. I appreciate happy people.
Tom DeLonge (former guitarist of Blink-182) wrote this song about his parents' divorce. The melody is sad, the lyrics are sad ... must have been pretty tough eh, Tom? Whenever I listen to that song in my MP3, I feel the sadness. It brings my mood down to like, a neutral level (simmers should understand this) and it pretty much depresses my day. I can't say that I enjoy being sad (okay, I actually do), but it kinda hurts to know of others' pain(s).
If you're feeling low or whatever, talk to me. Share your pain with me. Cry with me. Even if we're not that close, just do it. I wanna help, srzly. I want to let you know that you're not alone, and that you've always got me.
I wanna make people around me happy, cuz it makes me happy too. I have my own pains and problems, but I'll try my best not to show it. I want you guys to be happy.
It's hard to wake up, when the shades have been pulled shut
This house is haunted, it's so pathetic, it makes no sense at all
I'm ripe with things to say, the words rot and fall away
My stupid poem could fix this home, I'd read it every day
So here's your holiday, hope you enjoy it this time, you gave it all
It was mine, so when you're dead and gone
Will you remember this night, twenty years now on?
It's not right.
Their anger hurts my ears, been running strong for seven years
Rather than fix the problems, they never solve them, it makes no sense at
I see them everyday, we get along so why can't they?
If this is what he wants, and it's what she wants, then why is there so
much pain?- "Stay Together For the Kids" by Blink-182.